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Behavioral Interventions
Event 1: A Review of Literature on and Examples of Empirical Evaluation on Antecedent-Based Interventions (FABA01) -- Welcome to the University of South Florida's 2021 FABA Presentation CEUs.

Event 1: A Review of Literature on and Examples of Empirical Evaluation on Antecedent-Based Interventions (1 CEU)

  • Amalix M Flores – High-Probability Instructional Sequence: A review on Current Procedural Variations (17 min)
  • Danielle Russo– Use of High-Probability Instructional Sequences During Pre-Academic Activities for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (15 min)
  • Justine Brennan– The Use of Stability Ball Chairs for Children with ASD in a Clinic Setting (13 min)
  • Peyton Stipes– Brain Breaks® for Elementary Students to Increase On-Task Behavior in a Classroom Setting (10 min)
Once registered, you must complete the course within 180 days. You must complete and pass the final quiz with a score of 80% to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Charges are also non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "BC Innovations, Inc."

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Price: $10.00
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Event 2: Use of Behavioral Interventions to Increase Compliance and Implementation of Functional Analysis (FABA02) -- 

Welcome to the University of South Florida's 2021 FABA Presentation CEUs.

Event 2: Use of Behavioral Interventions to Increase Compliance and Implementation of Functional Analysis (1 CEU)

  • Jennifer L. Cook - A Review of the Literature: Behavioral Approaches to Increase Tolerance of Aversive Events (21 min)
  • Jennifer L. Cook – Wearing Masks: Removing Barriers to Accessing School and the Community for Children with ASD (24.5 min)
  • Karie John: Training Undergraduate Students to Conduct the Trial-Based Functional Analysis Through Video Modeling (11.5 min)

Once registered, you must complete the course within 180 days. You must complete and pass the final quiz with a score of 80% to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Charges are also non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "BC Innovations, Inc."

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Price: $10.00
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Caregiver Training
Using ABA Principles to Become an Effective Caregiver Trainer: Part One (CGT001) -- This interactive module is designed to provide a brief history regarding the curriculum adapted for this module. Furthermore, this module is designed to teach one to identify components of an effective caregiver trainer and how to apply those components to enhance one’s training repertoire.

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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Using ABA Principles to Become an Effective Caregiver Trainer: Part Two (CGT002) -- This interactive module is designed to teach one how to identify and describe how to use reinforcement, differential reinforcement to increase desirable and decrease undesirable behavior, verbal response interruption, prompting, and reinforcement to stop undesirable behavior, and how to provide positively phrased feedback in order to optimize the effectiveness of the caregiver training. This module should be taken only after completing the module, “Using ABA Principles to Become an Effective Caregiver Trainer - Part One.”

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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Fundamentals of ABA
MHS 3204/CLP 4414 11-Hour RBT Training Supplement (MHS3204SPR25) -- This supplemental course is only open to undergraduate students of the MHS3204 - The Fundamentals of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) course at the University of South Florida (USF). The course provides the student with information in the form of lectures, demonstrations, and practical exercises on the basic principles and procedures of the field of ABA.

Students of the MHS3204 course will receive a code to enter during the checkout process to proceed with this supplemental course.

*NOTE: During registration, you will be asked for a BACB ID Number. If you have a BACB ID Number, please enter it in the field. If you do not have a BACB ID number, proceed to THIS LINK and create an account with the BACB. Your BACB ID Number is in your Profile section of the BACB account you create. Enter that number in this field for the RBT course.

Charges are also non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "BC Innovations, Inc"

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Price: $50.00
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Habit Reversal
Applying behavior analysis with clinical problems (CEHR01) -- This course is an article on Habit Reversal and is a review and analysis of habit reversal procedures and variations used in the treatment of tics, habit disorders, and stuttering. Miltenberger, R., Fuqua, R.W., & Woods, D.W. (1998). Applying behavior analysis with clinical problems: Review and analysis of habit reversal. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31, 447-469. In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1.5 CEU Credit

Price: $18.00
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RBT Training
40-Hour Registered Behavior Technician at USF/ABA - version 2.3 (RBT023) -- Welcome to the University of South Florida's 40-Hour Registered Behavioral Technician Training Course - Version 2.3 . This training program is based on the RBT Ethics Code 2.0 (Click for Link) and the RBT 2nd Edition Task List (Click for Link) and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement towards the RBT credential. To attain the RBT credential you must complete this course as well as the additional requirements (e.g., background check, competency assessment, RBT exam) set by the BACB as described here:

Once registered, you must complete the course within 180 days. You must complete and pass each module's quiz with a score of 80% to proceed to the next module. The final exam requires a 70% grade to pass and receive your certificate.

USF's ABA program has affiliation discounts for those that meet the qualifications. For more information, visit

*NOTE: During registration, you will be asked for a BACB ID Number. If you have a BACB ID Number, please enter it in the field. If you do not have a BACB ID number, proceed to THIS LINK and create an account with the BACB. Your BACB ID Number is in your Profile section of the BACB account you create. Enter that number in this field for the RBT course.

Charges are also non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "BC Innovations, Inc."

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Price: $200.00
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Relational Learning
Establishing a deictic relational repertoire in young children (CERL01) -- This course is an article review of two experiments: (1) whether children with autism spectrum disorder demonstrated relational learning deficits in a perspective-taking task as compared to their age-matched typically developing peers, and (2) whether accuracy in perspective-taking correlated with scores on standardized instruments commonly used in the assessment of autism spectrum disorder. Weil, T.M., Hayes, S.C., & Capurro, P. (2011). Establishing a deictic relational repertoire in young children. Psychological Record, 61, 371-390 In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1.5 CEU Credit

Price: $18.00
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Assessing relational learning deficits in perspective-taking in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (CERL02) -- This course is an article on Relational Learning as an operant process where the behavior of relating myriad stimuli and events is not only shapable, but so too, leads to an overarching class where the relating of these things may occur without direct experience. Rehfeldt, R. A., Dillen, J. E., Ziomek, M. M., & Kowalchuk, R. K. (2007). Assessing relational learning deficits in perspective-taking in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. The Psychological Record, 57, 23-47. In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1.5 CEU Credits

Price: $18.00
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Sports, Health & Fitness
Evaluating the effects of exergaming on physical activity among inactive children in a physical education classroom. (CESP01) -- This course is an article on two behavioral approaches for increasing sport performance are discussed in these two articles as well as future directions for research and practice. Fogel, V., Miltenberger, R.G., Graves, R., & Koehler, S. (2010). Evaluating the effects of exergaming on physical activity among inactive children in a physical education classroom. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 591-600. In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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Expert video modeling with video feedback to enhance gymnastics skills (CESP02) -- This course is an article on the effects of combining expert video modeling with self video feedback as an adjunct to standard coaching techniques. Boyer, E., Miltenberger, R., Batsche, C., & Fogel, V. (2009). Expert video modeling with video feedback to enhance gymnastics skills. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 855-866. In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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Event 3: Using ABA to Improve Physical Activity and Performance in Sports (FABA03) -- Welcome to the University of South Florida's 2021 FABA Presentation CEUs.

Event 3: Using ABA to Improve Physical Activity and Performance in Sports (2 CEUs)

  • Emma Cochrane: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Peer-Implemented Video Feedback to Improve Weightlifting Form (10 min)
  • Shreeya Deshmukh:  A Comparison of Verbal Feedback and Video Feedback to Improve Dance Skills verbal feedback and dance (21 min)
  • Jennifer L. Cook: An Evaluation of VM and VM+VF for Soccer Goalkeeping (20 min)
  • Jennifer L. Cook : The Role of Antecedent Music in the Running Routines of Experienced Runners (50 min)
Once registered, you must complete the course within 180 days. You must complete and pass the final quiz with a score of 80% to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Charges are also non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "BC Innovations, Inc."

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Price: $20.00
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Staff Training
Using staff training to decrease the use of restrictive procedures at two facilities for foster care children (CECWST01) -- This course is an article on Child Welfare Staff Training incorporating behavioral procedures into staff training to increase positive interactions and decrease restrictive procedures within the Child Welfare System. Crosland, K.A., Cigales, M., Dunlap, G., Neff, B., Clark, H.B., Giddings, T., & Blanco, A. (2008). Using staff training to decrease the use of restrictive procedures at two facilities for foster care children. Research on Social Work Practice, 18, 401-409. In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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The effects of staff training on the types of interactions observed at two group homes for foster care children (CECWST02) -- This course is an article on Child Welfare Staff Training incorporating behavioral procedures into staff training to improve staff interaction with children in group foster care homes. Crosland, K.A., Dunlap, G., Sager, W., Wilcox, C., Blanco, A., & Giddings, T. (2008). The effects of staff training on the types of interactions observed at two group homes for foster care children. Research on Social Work Practice, 18, 410-420. In order to get CEU credit, you must read the article, and complete both a quiz and evaluation.

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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Supervisor Training
Supervisor Training (2.0) (ST001) -- This course is designed to meet the 8 hour supervisor training requirement as described by the BACB's Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline. Across the six modules you will acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively supervise those who deliver behavior analytic services.

Charges are also non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "BC Innovations, Inc."

NOTE: Per the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, changes to the 8-hour Supervision Course were required based on the Supervisor Training Curriculum (2.0).  This course has been updated to reflect the needed changes to course content.

Price: $90.00
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Using ABA Strategies in the College Classroom (TCH001) -- This interactive module is designed to teach the learner to identify potential barriers to effective teaching, identify the responsibilities involved in the role as a teacher of future behaviorists, identify effective ABA strategies that can be incorporated into teaching, and, lastly, to identify how to contribute to future research in this area.

1 CEU Credit

Price: $12.00
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For more information, please contact the USF Applied Behavior Analysis Program at